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Bibliografia - Quali fonti bibliografiche per Olmesartan?

  1. Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco – AIFA, Olpress – Riassunto Caratteristiche di Prodotto, 2021, 29 aprile https://farmaci.agenziafarmaco.gov.it/aifa/servlet/PdfDownloadServlet?pdfFileName=footer_000734_036026_RCP.pdf&retry=0&sys=m0b1l3

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  35. Li K.Y. et al., Curr. Ther. Res.. Clin. Exp., 2014, 76, 7.

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  56. Schwoncho L.R., Manson H.N., J. Clin. Pharmacol., 2001, 41, 515.

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  65. Zhang X. et al., Cardiol. Ther., 2017, 6 (1), 13.